Monday, May 2, 2011

Month 7, Day 2: And Now . . . Buddhism. Ugh.

I know, I know. I’ve been slacking the last two days—at least from an outside perspective. I look at it as self-preservation because I’m afraid I’ll have to kill myself if I keep up with this Buddhism research.

Here’s the thing: Each month, I start preparing a few weeks in advance for my new religion, reading everything I can find about the upcoming faith, even when it’s hard to find any high-quality information.

Last month, I knew Buddhism was coming, and I already have easily a dozen books to read, but I haven’t been able to push past a few chapters in any one of them. I keep getting pissed off—no, make that infuriated—right around Chapter 2.

One book “guarantees” that I’ll have clairvoyant powers if I’ll simply follow Buddhist practices. Another book says world peace is a sure thing if I just suspend my disbelief and start meditating. And they all seem to want me to follow the teachings of a guy who strikes me as nothing other than a deadbeat dad (more on that another day).

But hey, I’m in this thing for the long haul, so I’ll keep reading and I’ll get on with the meditating. Buddhism may not require prayers or even a belief in God, but I beg you—pray for me.

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